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Thursday, March 29, 2012

What happened to study skills?

 Interesting article about study skills and the lack thereof nowadays. I think, though, that asking universities to "do something about it" is not the right way to look at it. I mean, it's ok for profs to help students, etc, but by the time you get to postsecondary education, you're supposed to be at a level where you can work on your own. And should know to work on your own. So whose fault is it? Who do we pass this buck to?

What happened to study skills?


  1. i must say, my study skills probably fall somewhere in this category, i didn't study a whole lot growing up but still did well in school, guess i just had good retention :)

  2. yeah, I know what you mean. I actually did ok in school too until I got to university/college. Then I saw what study skills are really worth. And even now, I still don't really know what to do if I had to study.
