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A Bug and a Ladybug: Homeschooling Links

These links will be mainly public domain children's literature.  I certainly have looked through a lot more items than what I will post here; those posted will be only what I decided to use.  Please let me know if links get outdated and I'll try to update them.  As well, I will have some links to pages where you must purchase the product: these items are usually extra fun stuff, but not necessarily.  If you are interested in learning how I came up with all these choices, please read The Well Trained Mind (TWTM), which you must buy or you can maybe borrow at your local library.

Keep in mind that just because I've listed them in a specific grade level, does not mean you have to use them that way.  I listed them that way, because I am following TWTM.  Also, the majority of these public domain books were written in the early 20th century or before so the language is necessarily a little different.  Nevertheless, you'll find that your children shouldn't have too much difficulty understanding what you're reading.  It is still English, after all!  What I did find was that when I began using these resources, I had to read the passages before reading them to the kids because the intonation is different than the way we write and read nowadays.  But not a lot of extra work.  Also because most of these books are over 100 years old, the content may be outdated or there may be ideas that may be offensive to some people: it is up to you as a parent to read through all this and decide what you'd like to teach your child, I cannot do that for you.

Any links that you see to amazon or any other online bookstore is there only for the convenience of showing you the book so you know which book I'm talking about, not because you necessarily need to purchase the item from that company.  In fact, I would recommend that you check your public library first so you can save yourself that money and support your community.

Suggestions for books, please let me know.  It would be especially helpful if you have a link :D  And please check back VERY OFTEN.  I will try to update at least daily for the next couple of months.

Although I'm pretty sure all resources are public domain, you should check that yourself and be sure the way you're planning on using it is legal in your country.

All links open in a new window.

The Ancients

Grade 1

GrammarLand by M. L. Nesbitt: introduction to grammar for very young children.  Uses allegory to introduce the parts of speech.  Very cute!  My husband and I have sat and read through the entire book! :)
GrammarLand Worksheets and Board Game: this is a game and a set of worksheets made to accompany the above book.  I'd say you can probably use this book right through to the end of grade 4, unless your student goes through the material quicker.  For my kids, I'm pretty sure I'll be using it for at least a couple of more years. :)
This Country of Ours: by H. E. Marshall.  This is a history of the USA going back to the Vikings (Norsemen).  I list it in grade 1 because I'm using the section about the Vikings.
Famous Men of Rome: by John H. Haaren
Famous Men of Ancient Times: by S. G. Goodrich
Cursive Handwriting Worksheet Maker
Fairy Roads to Science-Town: by Mary Earle Hardy.  I have no idea what I was looking for when I found this book.  It seems to be a compilation of stories about a lot of different things.  Have a look at it and see if you like it.  It's definitely a children's book, and from what I've read of it so far, explains certain science topics as if it all came from fairyland.
Poco A Poco: An Elementary Direct Method for Learning Spanish: by Guillermo Hall.  It's definitely direct, all the lessons are only in Spanish from what I've read of it.  So if you don't know any Spanish or if you feel that you don't know enough to be able to decipher the lesson, maybe this book might not help you.  But if you're comfortable enough in Spanish, maybe all you might need to do is read over the lesson the night before.  For the student, especially if the student is a child, it might be a good idea to teach some vocabulary and then move on to this book, it seems a little advanced for an introductory book.
Acient Egypt Crafts for Kids: different levels.  I think these crafts are suitable for up to about gr8.
The Red Book of Animal Stories: selected and edited by Andrew Lang.
Character Sketches: beautiful series of books with colouring books and cards to teach children virtues, etc.  I do not own any of these books only because I find the shipping a little expensive for me, but I would LOVE to own the series.

Grade 5

Ancient Egypt Crafts for Kids: different levels.  Suitable for kids up to about gr8.

Grade 9

Medieval - Early Renaissance

Grade 2

History of Genghis Khan: by Jacob Abbott.  This book is a little advanced for a second grader, however, it is the only one I have found so far that has simple enough language for children.
Famous Men of the Middle Ages: by John H. Haaren
Stories from Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales: edited by W. T. Stead.
The Story of Mankind: by Hendrik van Loon.  I'm using it for a short biography on Chaucer.
Stories from Chaucer : retold by Emily Underdown.
The Chaucer Story Book : by Eva March Tappan.
In the Days of Chaucer : by Tudor Jenks.
Educational Web Sites on Astronomy, Physics, Spaceflight and the Earth's Magnetism: website written by a Professor Emeritus in Physics for non-scientists.  Very clear and well-written.
Word Portraits of Famous Writers: edited by Mabel E. Wotton.

Hernando Cortez: by John Abbott.  I was only able to find this book in html and epub.

Grade 6

Grade 10

Late Renaissance - Early Modern

Grade 3

Charles I: by John Abbott.
Peter the Great: by John Abbott
Frugal Fun for Boys: Making a Tinker Toy Bow and Arrows.  Also about halfway down the post, she has a link for making a cardboard castle.  Pretty simple stuff.  Just the way I like it! :D

Grade 7

Stories on the Seven Virtues: by Agnes M. Stewart

Grade 11


Grade 4

Nancy Hanks: The Story of Abraham Lincoln's Mother: by Caroline Hanks Hitchcock.  I thought it'd be nice to have this an as extra read so children can see this other perspective.
The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters
Geography Online Games

Grade 8

Grade 12

General Books

The American Boy's Handy Book: by D. C. Beard
The American Girl's Handy Books: by Lina Beard and Adelia B. Beard

General Homeschooling Links

An Old-Fashioned Education
Donna Young's Homeschool Resources and Printables
Public Domain Resources for Homeschoolers
That Public Domain Diva
Classical HomeSchooling
"...for Little Girls": a series of books by Olive Hyde Parker, copyright around 1911, teaching little girls about homemaking.

1 comment:

  1. i like the Poco a Poco book... might try and use it for clint :D
