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Thursday, March 29, 2012

What happened to study skills?

 Interesting article about study skills and the lack thereof nowadays. I think, though, that asking universities to "do something about it" is not the right way to look at it. I mean, it's ok for profs to help students, etc, but by the time you get to postsecondary education, you're supposed to be at a level where you can work on your own. And should know to work on your own. So whose fault is it? Who do we pass this buck to?

What happened to study skills?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Introducing Google Play

I wish I got some sort of remuneration for advertising this, but I really don't.  Still, I think this is really neat and it makes me want to run out and buy an Android phone.  Any smart phone would be cool too, seeing as I only have a cheap $40 phone from Wal-Mart with a prepaid card on it!  :)  Still, Google Play seems really neat!  Lots of aps, some free, some for purchase, including a lot of children's books, games, etc.

Greek Mythology - Android Apps on Google
Google Play main site

Monday, March 12, 2012

Everything and Nothing

Please watch these videos on TVO.  They're each an hour long, but worth it.

watch this one first: Everything
then this one: Nothing
now chaos: Chaos

Saturday, March 10, 2012

New post!

Please have a look in the A Bug and a Ladybug: Homeschooling Links page.  I've begun posting links to the resources I'm using/considering using.  Thanks for looking.