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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Direction of A Bug and Beyond

It has been suggested to me by my very good friend over at that the homeschooling of my children is really very interesting.  I have been trying to figure out for a long time how to start blogging about it without getting too much into curricula, etc, because there is already so much information out there about that.  So Claire recommended simply blogging about daily experiences, and what I would like to see in another blog.

I don't really know what I'm looking for exactly.  So I'm going to stumble about in the dark until I find it.  I'm not sure what this blog will be about, although it will center around our daily experiences in homeschooling.  I seem to have an idea of a blog resembling a scrapbook, but I'm not quite sure yet.

I'm going to try to post fairly regularly but I can't really promise that either, I'm shooting for once a month for now; maybe if things get more interesting I'll post more often.

I encourage you to come on over at the beginning of each month and see what I've got up here.  There will always be something at least once a month for now, and for sure more to come.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hey Yusi,

    I'm just writing in to let you know that I'm proud of you!! I love your blog already. Keep it up!!!

