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Friday, February 25, 2011

Love Card

As promised, here's my first project.  I made this card for my husband for Valentine's Day.  It's a little late :D, but better late than never. As you can see, I had to take the picture on top of the washing machine (LOL) because I couldn't find anywhere else that was white or light coloured: I'm working on that.  I also cut the card base in the wrong direction, so that I got more of a vertical card.  Not a big deal, it still turned out pretty nice, I think.  But for the following cards, I'll be using some white card bases that I bought at an office supply store a while ago and have never used.

I'm also trying to figure out a drop-down menu across the top.  It'll be a while before that gets fully finished but I'll get there.  I'll also start working on videos at some point, again not sure when, because I do want to get the blog looking good before I get involved in anything else.  Plus I need to find a permanent home for the camera, etc.

Thanks for looking, see you soon.